As most of you know, Cristiano Ronaldo has been voted the best football player in the 2007-2008 season by FIFA. This reputable organization Ronaldo has chosen for many reasons and all delegates who are currently members had the opportunity to vote for him and his main rivals in the league. You can probably tell that this young football player has the chance to vote the best in the league, but honestly should also think about your athlete and player status. Next to the football club that currently belongs consider Cristiano Ronaldo in his personal account had more goals than their opponents during the 2007-2008 season. He also demonstrated a greater capacity. That's why I want to share with you for at least five important things Cristiano Ronaldo on the other players in the league.

1. A strong spirit of the game: Cristiano Ronaldo has the spirit of a warrior and the spirit of a conqueror on the field. One of the most important things Cristiano Ronaldo also has a football player's passion that you get overwhelmed in the game.

Two. Cristiano Ronaldo is a great athlete: His numbers speak only of himself and comments from members and experts of FIFA, of course, are quite correct. Cristiano Ronaldo is not just a lucky player, but a player who knows your talent and ability in the right way at the right time.

Three. He is younger than a lot of players: it has the strength of youth and also has all the conditions for a perfect athlete might have. Also, Ronaldo will just take advantage of this moment will never come back. The power and the ability . Ronaldo is very wisely and for this reason we get the most out of your "positive momentum" in the game.

April. It is a football club that supports unconditionally: When Ronaldo was  crowned as the best player in the World Cup in 2008 I got a great price and a good reputation for good work. In addition, your computer gets a great appreciation for it. C. Ronaldo was getting the support you need not only to win games, but also to become the star he is today.

May Cristiano Ronaldo remains humble: This is a basic thing that everyone should be a person who walks in integrity. Humility is something very difficult to manage when you're famous, football player gorgeous, beautiful and very young. He took advantage of every game and every goal, but always maintain a humble position and never see it gets with selfishness or something. In addition, Cristiano Ronaldo is a funny guy who is capable of giving an interview so easy. On the other hand, there are a lot of football players around the world think they are gods.

Finally, I can say that Cristiano Ronaldo is a super start, but also wonderful people who share with everyone. These are the differences that I want to share with you.

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