The Benefits of Year-Round School

During the last decade, many state education services are sincerely trying to reform education and improve student achievement and state standards for core and No Child Left Behind are become standard in educational reform.

However, one thing must be eliminated in many countries has been shown to help student achievement, it is the school throughout the year.

One of the biggest problems, especially in the areas of care for disadvantaged young people and risk is the loss of knowledge during the summer. On average, a student loses up to 1 month of learning during summer vacation. However, this number can vary depending on the subject.

According to a study most students lose up to 2.6 months in mathematics and low-income students often lose more.

This is a problem that states are trying to close the achievement gap between students of expanding higher income and low-income students and minorities. The school year is to solve the problem.

Harris Cooper, director of the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University, and a nationally recognized by the school throughout the school year expert is explained throughout the year can have an effect on the student.

"The revised school calendar has a small but positive effect on the academic performance of children," said Cooper GPB News. "However, for children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, the effect could be considerably larger than that."

The school for the entire year is presented in three ways: a track, multi-track education year.

Method in one direction, do not add extra days to the school year, but short breaks are scattered throughout the year.

Programming is generally separated into either a program that keeps 60-20 students in school for 60 days with three 20-day holiday, or a program that offers students 45-15 with 45 days of instruction and four holiday 15 days.

The multi-track program is similar to the way in which places students at a time with short breaks throughout the year. However, under this program, students are placed in three or four separate tracks that have breaks at different times, which means that at least one will be in school, while the other (s) are on vacation.

This could allow students of different capabilities can be combined to suit your needs. For example, students could be accelerated in the same way, while students with difficulties in math or reading may be grouped, allowing teachers to adapt to their needs.

In addition, a multi-track system can also save money for schools as the school building can accommodate more students.

Both programs do not cost extra money, because no additional instructional days added to the calendar.

The third program year-round, trying to add up to a month during school and outreach programs throughout the year as others. This method, however, States should cost extra money that additional days are added to the schedule.

Recently, President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan have called for extended day program.

With the school throughout the year, often upsides outweigh the disadvantages. And all this can be a transitional adjustment to the new program, students adapt quickly and can have a huge burden off of parents who work during the summer months.

Ultimately, it is the students who benefit, because it gives them the best chance to not only learn, but to retain that knowledge.

360 Education Solutions is an advocate in the search for quality online education and teacher professional development programs.

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