How to Get Cristiano Ronaldo Hair

Want hair like the famous football player, Cristiano Ronaldo? Well, wondering how to get Cristiano Ronaldo hair is pretty simple, but the trick is in the doing. After all, the famous 23 footballer (soccer is called football in the rest of the world excluding the United States) is known to have some really fantastic hairstyles. Why not a guy who want to try to emulate something like that?

It all starts by making sure that the hair is washed thoroughly, first. Nothing stands a very good style of play as dirty hair done. After washing, take a clean towel and dry your hair as much as possible. Do not use a hair dryer because completely dry hair (and possibly burn) is not sensitive to a good workout style as dampish locks.

After the tasks are done washing and drying, it's time to get lacquer style men's high quality and lightly sprayed the braids. Do not use a product that is not water soluble and easy to wash. Sticky, clumpy hair prevents the correct application of hair gel, which is the next step.

Note that not very cheap when it comes to sprays or gels, indeed. Thus, take the gel and light - but completely - cover all parts of the hair. Start from the front and work the gel at the back and down the neck.

Once the hair has been processed correctly, then it is time to choose the right style of the designer's work. More fashion hair Cristiano Ronaldo popular currently in the middle of the locks that start with a little pulled back and then lift a some sort of tip shape in the region of the scalp. If the operation is successful, there is no end to the type of hair that can occur Ronaldo!

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